Why is Guilt not a real emotion?




Usually it starts with, ‘Oh he loves me so much, how can I leave him’, or one may get to hear something like, ‘I know…’ after each ‘I love you’, or maybe ‘I can’t walk away, because if I do that she will die.’ In all of these statements, the underlying emotion is of ‘guilt’.

Something that you don’t want to do, but you do because you fear that something bad will happen to the other person because of your ‘undoing’. You find yourself constantly living in an assumptive future, because the guilt constantly makes you think of the dreaded reality that may happen if you don’t do what you are ‘supposed’ to do or what you ‘should’ do. In the whole process, all you end up doing is make yourself go through self-pity, self damage and at its peak end up blaming the other person because you kept believing that you ‘did all you did’ for them and them alone.

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